Why Is the AC Fan Not Working?
AC fan not working. Before you get frustrated and stick your head in the freezer to get some relief, the experts here at Western Heating, Air & Plumbing are here to help you get to the root of the problem.
The Simple Solution
One reason that your AC fan may have stopped spinning is that it might be a little stiff. Try using a stick to give the belt a little tap to see if that will do the trick. Hopefully it will start up right away and keep working from then on. If it doesn’t, you might have a more serious problem on your hands.
Flip a Switch
The next thing you can try is to turn your air conditioner off for a few minutes before you restart it. Overheating can lead to your AC fan not working. If this doesn’t do the trick, there’s a chance that your fan simply isn’t getting enough power. Check the service panel located on the side of the AC unit and use a multi-meter to ensure there is a constant stream of electricity going to the device. If the fan is getting power, then the problem might simply be the fan itself. Try replacing the fan and possibly even the belt to see if that will take care of things.
In the event that there isn’t enough electricity going to the fan, check to see if all of the other parts are lined up properly. Don’t hesitate to call in a professional Orem, UT HVAC repair company if need be. Western Heating, Air & Plumbing is here if you ever discover your AC fan not working. Get in touch with us today if your unit is in need of preventative maintenance for the upcoming summer season.