Should I Replace My Furnace?
It is not always completely obvious on when you need to replace your furnace. The signs may be subtle and easy to ignore. However, this is a question Western Heating and Air Conditioning gets a lot, particularly as winter sets in. There are a few key factors that play into replacing a furnace. If your system meets any of the characteristics below, it may be time to replace it. If you need replacement, you can always count on Western Heating and Air Conditioning for installation and maintenance.
Your Furnace Is Old
If your furnace is older than 18-20 years old, it likely needs to be replaced. If you have not maintained it properly, its lifespan may be a bit shorter. Newer models of furnaces are much more energy efficient. Choosing a newer model will save you monthly on utility bills.
Increased Repairs
If you find that your furnace needs frequent repairs just to have it work properly, it may be time to call it quits. If your repairs are getting expensive, it may be worth it to just put that money towards a new unit. General rule of thumb is, if the cost of repair is 50% of the cost of a new furnace, you should just replace it instead of repair.
Increased Energy Bills
If you have noticed that each year your heating bills have gone up without more usage (taking into account your rate) then you may need to replace your unit. As stated above, a newer unit will be much more energy efficient and will help you save on a monthly basis.
If you feel as though your furnace needs to be replaced, contact the experts at Western Heating, Air & Plumbing Conditioning. Call (801) 224-8899 to schedule one of our licensed experts.