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Reasons why the AC Fan Isn’t Working

AC Fan Isn’t Working

If you have an air conditioning unit in your home, you will want to be sure all of the parts of it are working well. One critical component that could decrease your comfort level is by having an AC fan that isn’t work. Before you begin to get too hot or frustrated, it’s important to know certain things you can do to remedy this situation.

The Simple Solution

The fan in your air conditioning unit could be stuck. You can fix this problem fast by using a stick to get it running again. This should be one of the easiest fan problems that you encounter.

Flip a Switch

Try turning off the entire unit for a brief amount of time. One of the common causes that your AC fan isn’t working may be because it’s overheated. If this doesn’t accomplish the goal, your fan may simply not be getting the right amount of power. Check the service panel located on the side of the AC unit and use a multi-meter to ensure there is a constant stream of electricity going to the device. If the fan is getting power, the chances are high that you may have a faulty fan. It may be necessary in this case to replace the fan to fix this situation.

Check the Electrical

There may be an electrical shortage in your unit and this should be checked by a professional. It’s ideal to hire an electrician to examine this issue and fix it for you.

By choosing a professional company, such as Western Heating, Air & Plumbing Conditioning, you can get this fan issue quickly fixed. Be sure to get in touch with us today for any heating and cooling problems that you may have.


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