Why having your home at the perfect temperature does NOT have to mean a higher energy bill!
Talk to 90% of HVAC specialists, and they’ll tell you that if you want your home to be perfectly ventilated, it’s probably going to cost you. Now, yes, ventilation does use energy, and energy costs money, however, new technology has allowed us to drop the amount of energy you need in a big BIG way. Let me start from the beginning.
What is ventilation, and why does it matter?
Ventilation, in its simplest form, is fresh air coming into your home to replace the old air. (And who knows how long that air has been that has been circulating through your home.)
The outside air is usually too hot or too cold, and it needs to be changed to the temperature you want your home to be. Especially during the winter, the energy used to heat our cold mountain air can add up fast.
And, as you know, the weeks when it gets down into the 30s can hike up your energy and gas bills. (sometimes the crazy Utah weather even decides to do this in June or July, but fingers crossed for this year!)
Why not reuse the air to save money?
Now, even though every minute of fresh air is a burden on your furnace, we can’t just decide to stop bringing in air from outside. Between carbon dioxide buildup and the presence of dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), replacing the air in your home becomes necessary.
I mean, without fresh air, your immune system begins to suffer, your kids can develop or have intensified allergies, and you could be faced with the risk of long-term illnesses. And COVID or not, no one wants to increase the transmission of airborne viruses.
So what can you do?
Luckily, technology is here to help (and I’m not just talking about zoom meetings). HVAC scientists have created “Energy Recovery Systems” which transfer energy from the exhaust air to the incoming air, giving your furnace less to heat, and your A/C, less to cool. These Energy Recovery Systems allow you to get the fresh air your family needs AND avoid annoying spikes in your energy bill.
When it comes to Energy Recovery Systems, there are two main types: Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV’s) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV’s). The biggest difference between the two is that HRV’s transfer only heat, while ERVs transfer heat and moisture.
Which one is right for your family?
Choosing between the two depends on couple of things. Local climate and your home’s other systems like humidifiers and ac are most common. HRV’s also have what’s called a condensate drain which removes the moisture. How where the drain is shouldn’t be a dealbreaker, but it can tip the scale when deciding between the two systems.
If you need help deciding which system is going to be best for your energy bill and your family, give us a call here at Western Heating and Air (801) 224-8899 or check out our other articles about saving on your energy bill or keeping your air clean.