Payson High School Wins the “Coolest School” Award!
Congratulations to Payson High School
Western Heating, Air & Plumbing presented Payson High School with the “Coolest School” Award on Thursday evening at Payson’s last home football game against Stansbury High School. Payson High School principal, Jesse Sorenson accepted the award along with a check for $1,000 from Western Heating, Air & Plumbing Conditioning.
The Coolest School Competition
The competition began in late August when Western Heating, Air & Plumbing sent out a call for nominations for the Coolest School in Utah County. They received nominations from ten different schools and the three high schools with the most nominations went on to compete in a three-week battle for votes. The top three high schools were Salem Hills High School, Springville High School, and Payson High School.
It was a close race, but Payson pulled ahead at the end. Principal Sorenson said, “I went online and voted every day.” He mentioned that the funds were going to be a big help to their music and athletic programs.
Before the football game, Payson High School student council members met Western Heating, Air & Plumbing representatives, Ryan and Angie Snow, along with Jeff Marvin, to pass out 300 “Coolest School” t-shirts to their student body.. The students went on to cheer for their football team who just came up short against Stansbury. But they’re still number one when it comes to the Coolest School!
Second place in the competition was Springville High School. Salem Hills High School came in third place.
Western Heating, Air & Plumbing’s General Manager, Ryan Snow, said he loves participating in events that contribute to the community, especially our schools. “They do so much for our kids and don’t always get the funds they need. We love giving back, and we appreciate all the students, administrators, teachers, and parents who participated in our competition.”
Thank You for Allowing Us to Serve You
Western Heating, Air & Plumbing has served the community since 1995 and appreciates the support they receive. Giving back in this small way is a symbol of our gratitude.